Thursday, June 10, 2010

Deploy the cornrow applet on the CS server

Date: June 10, 2010

I deployed the Cornrow applet on the CS server using 'JNLPAppletLauncher'. According to, 'JNLPAppletLauncher' allows applets to use extensions like Java 3D, JOGL, and JOAL very easily. So it is what we need.

1. Write CCAppletLaunCS.html

2. Replace the generated CC\dist\lib\Core.jar with Core\dist\Core.jar
The first jar is not complete somehow.

3. To satisfy the security requirements, all the jar files need to be signed by the same certificate. 3.1 Generate a key pair
keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=Ping Wang, ou=CS, o=RPI, c=US" -alias mykey -keypass XXX -storepass XXX -validity 180
3.2 For each jar file (including CC.jar and other referenced jar files)
jarsigner -storepass XXX -keypass XXX jogl.jar mykey

4. Put CC.jar, other required jar files and CCAppletLaunCS.html to /cs/wangp5/public.html/CC

5. You can access the applet at
It takes 1~2 minutes loading the applet, a little slow...

More on 'JNLPAppletLauncher'
More on 'JNLP'

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