Date: 0624-06301.
1. Add the functionality: Reflection about X-axis, Y-axis or both
The logic for adding reflection is in Curve.DrawBraid.
To support reflection, I added a variable image_angle.
Now we have 3 angles for one cornrow curve: image_angle, vector_angle and rotate.
- image angle is the starting angle of the Y image.
- vector angle is the starting angle of the vector of the Y image.
- rotate angle is how much the Y image rotates per iteration
Duplicate takes one parameter: the ID of the original braid. Then it creates a duplicated braid with the next braid ID, which is the size of the braid vector + 1.
The duplicated braid is in the same place with the original one, so to see it, we need to use "Move To" or "Reflect" to move it to somewhere else.
Demo of Reflect and Duplicate

3. Add the following methods:
- BasicNewBraid which only takes Iteration, X, Y, and Slope
- Starting Dilate
- TranslateByPercent
- Rotate
- Dilate

Issue to discuss:
In these new methods, I use ID to identify the braid that the user wants to apply the methods on. One reason I use ID is that I saw in Scratch, they have sprite1, sprite2...
But will the concept of ID prevent kids from using Cornrow Curve?
- Colored Braids